The Packaging Cluster celebrates its Annual Assembly and Packaging Talks with more than 100 representatives of the packaging sector

Submitted by Judith Marti on 22 June 2023

  • The Packaging Cluster will commemorate the Annual Assembly and the renowned Strategic Immersion Packaging Talks
  • The entity groups more than 130 associates, proposes more than 40 annual activities and manages 38 innovation projects
  • Núria Betriu (General Director of Pastisart) and Patricia Berga (Director of Marketing of Alzamora) are incorporated as our members of the Board of Directors

The Packaging Cluster, a non-profit entity that represents companies from the entire value chain of the packaging sector, will hold the annual Assembly and the Packaging Talks at the facilities on June 13 and 14 Azure Hotel in Lloret de Mar with more than 100 attendees who will be able to attend the gala. 

On June 13, the Packaging Cluster will offer the sixth Annual Assembly, the space in which the associates meet to meet and approve the strategy that is due to term as projects, activities, pressupost, novetats or enfocament de futur.
The event will count with the welcome of the President of the cluster, Mrs. Martina Font (Corporate and Innovation Director of Font Packaging Group) and the Cluster Manager, Àlex Brossa, who will inaugurate the assembly session of this year 2023 .

The order of the day was composted by a reading of the previous minutes, the approval of the Pla d'Activitats of 2023 and the exhibition of the projects carried out, the Annual Report of high and low members and the examination i approval of the management of the Board of Directors and Annual Accounts with the approval of the press post. The Extraordinary General Assembly will agree with a ratification of the modification of the Regulation of Internal Regime and the Renewal of the members of the Board of Directors with the involvement of two new members, Patricia Berga d'Alzamora Group and Núria Betriu de Pastisart.

Among the outstanding data during the Assemblea, 59 events have been carried out, which have counted with more than 700 registrants and the current management of 38 projects in the collaborative innovation march with more than 40 companies and entities involved, which receive public financing from aid packages from the European Commission, the Ministeri d'Indústria, Comerç i Turisme del Govern d'Espanya or the Agència per la Competitivitat de l'Empresa (ACCIO).

The session will start with the beginning of the Packaging Talks, a series of presentations on innovation and trends, ending with issues that concern the sector and that will be key to drawing the future of shipping and packaging, with the overcoming of crawls; he innovated the family business; recycling; our materials; the leadership and management of talent; or sustainability.

Borja Iglesias, Director of the Kaizen Institute Western Europe will explain the Barometer of digitalization in the packaging sector and will conclude with the main line of companies on the ability to adapt and take advantage of digital trends will be key to maintaining competitiveness in a constantly evolving market. The day will end with the lecture by Laura Portell, PhD Student in Mobility Optimization to present the crawlers and the opportunities on the impact of artificial intelligence on the company, all followed by a networking challenge and a networking activity pels assistants.

On June 14, the Packaging Cluster will continue celebrating the Packaging Talks with the Institutional Benvinguda to càrrec d'Isaac Peraire, Director of the Agència de Residus de Catalunya, Xavier Pascual, Business Unit Director of Packaging, Printing & Retail of Fira de Barcelona i Martina Font, President of the Packaging Cluster.

Next, Núria Picas, elite sportsperson, champion of the world of mountaineering, will motivate the assistants with her second experience and her second intervention “A life. Persevere, overcome obstacles and not fail in front of adversities. Núria represents the veritable passion for l'esport, for gaudir de l'air lliure and for not letting herself be defeated by the adversities. Benedikt Brenken, director of the R-Cycle initiative, will begin the sixth talk With Transparent Packaging to Circular Economy – Transforming the packaging value chain to explain what the digital product passport is and how it will work. “It is a new queen that I doubt will revolutionize trade in Europe. The circular economy is not possible if we do not have information on how to recycle or reuse the products. Això will say that we have to know at the beginning of the manufacturing phase how this product will end”, says Benedikt.

Later they will compare, Albert Costa, Sales Director at Rotor Print and Ferran Berga, Project Manager of Alzamora Group to explain how to innovate in the packaging world: advanced strategies to transform the sector. Albert will affirm that “The path from the most traditional packaging to the most digital approach is an opportunity that allows us to expand the product portfolio and visit our clients. We are a young company and we are very strong in the innovation business”, and for Ferran Berga, innovation is also key to his sixth company. “He is one of the motors of our faith these days last 15 years”, explaining the innovation of the cartro rings that have been implanted at Estrella Damm.

Also during the day, Robert Thompson, Scientific Director of Materfad, with the sixth presentation 'More on conventional materials: research opportunities with our materials' will present the paper of some materials that may come to replace-ne d'altres i the research paper that they bring to the Center de Materials in Barcelona. One more of the sessions' presentations will be dedicated to company culture. 'Claus organitzatives per promoure the good leadership and the development of the talent' d'Oriol Montanyà, professor UPF Barcelona School of Management. The columnist for La Vanguardia is also going to reflect on the assistants on the different models of business leadership and how to work.

To assess the developments, sustainability will be the protagonist with the round table "Cap to a sustainable future: how client companies are adapting to the canvis" will compare with the experience of packaging user companies: Mireia Vilalta, R&I Packaging Sustainability Leader Europe at Danone, Víctor Cañadas, Sustainability consultant at Ferrer, Laura Batlle, Senior sustainability manager at Heura Foods, Cristina Cantón, Packaging Dept. at Idilia Foods and will be moderated by Pere Coll, director of R&D +I d'Enplater and member of the Board of Directors of the entity. During the round table, each company will donate to meet their sustainability objectives and the solutions that they have already adopted to alienate themselves from sustainability with the change of some packaging materials.

The event will count with the sponsorship of Enplater i Fira de Barcelona (Hispack) here with the collaboration of ACCIÓ, Interempresas, Newspackaging, VasovenGo and Lloret de Mar Convention Bureau.

Cluster organisation
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