Participate in SENET survey about health collaboration with China!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 03 July 2019

Are you an expert in health Research? Do you have experience in collaborating with China?

If YES, participate in the SENET project!

The Sino-European Health Networking Hub – SENET – was launched in January 2019. It aims at creating a sustainable health networking and knowledge hub between Europe and China and intensifying the cooperation for the human health.

Our first goal is to assess current EU-China collaborations in healthcare R&I and develop a strategy paper that supports these collaborations. Help us in completing our survey or contact us to answer an interview on the following topics:

  • the health research and innovation priorities in the EU and China;
  • the mobility of European and Chinese health researchers;
  • current EU-China health research and innovation collaborative projects;
  • the participation of Chinese health researchers and innovation stakeholders in Horizon 2020 and European health researchers and innovation stakeholders in Chinese funding programmes.

We are looking forward to collaborating with you!

Third Country
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