Poland: The Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit 2019
The Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit 2019 (REDS 2019 Summit) organized in Warsaw on September the 9th and 10th is a conference of regional and national level decision makers as well as experts working in self-government organizations and institutions, further supported by the related analytical centers, universities and private sector entities.
One of the main program establishments of the REDS 2019 Summit are interdisciplinarity and internationalization, which justify extended organizational and program cooperation with partners from Poland and abroad.
The debate will be based on a holistic approach to the issues around regional, economic and science diplomacy. The promotion of entrepreneurship in the relations between regions and local communities will also be a crucial component. The effective coordination of actions undertaken to promote the national economy on international markets through local ecosystems conditions the successful expansion thus strengthening competitiveness and attractiveness of the economy.
The key partner in building solid and dynamic regional cooperation are higher education institutions as well as science and research units, which define the direction for their cooperation not only in the field of education, but also within the individual sectors of the economy.
The attendance of 1000 participants and 100 panelists is expected (opening sessions, four plenary sessions, 20 parallel sessions, keynote speakers, seminars). Among the confirmed participants there are already: Mrs Jadwiga Emilewicz, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, Mr Normunds Popens - Deputy Director General of DG REGIO, Mrs Ulla Engelman - Head of Unit Advanced Technologies, Clusters and Social Economy, European Commission, Mr. Janusz Michałek - Katowice Special Economic Zone, Mr Antonio Novo Guerrero - President of Federación Nacional de Agrupaciones Empresariales, Spain.
The 5th Congress of Polish Clusters
an accompanying event (the panels are held in parallel)
Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit, Poland 2019
The main theme of the Congress of Polish Clusters:
"For yourself or for others"? Are clusters a useful tool for the development of innovative economy and job creation?
(innovation, new technologies, economic cooperation in leading areas of industry and services. Intelligent European, national and regional specialisations).
The 5th Congress of Polish Clusters will be an accompanying event of the conference entitled Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit 2019, organized by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, Poland. The Polish Cluster Association is a honorable co-organizer of the above mentioned event.
This year's theme of the Congress "For yourself or for others"? Are clusters a useful tool for the development of innovative economy and job creation?" is to stimulate the debate on economic cooperation in leading areas of industry and services, intelligent European, national and regional specialisations and economic growth based on innovation through the activities of clusters.
Programme: https://5thcongress.klastrypolskie.pl/
REGISTRATION: http://regiosummit.pl/
Registration for the Cluster Congress is equivalent to registration for the Summit of Regional Economic and Diplomacy Summit 2019. Participation in the event is free of charge.
Contact for the 5th Congress Polish Clusters: Mrs. Anna Sokołowska, anna.sokolowska [at] klastrypolskie.pl (anna[dot]sokolowska[at]klastrypolskie[dot]pl).
Contact for the Regional Economic and Diplomacy Summit 2019:
Mrs. Julia Grzybowska, Julia.Grzybowska [at] mpit.gov.pl (Julia[dot]Grzybowska[at]mpit[dot]gov[dot]pl) , summit [at] mpit.gov.pl (summit[at]mpit[dot]gov[dot]pl)