Public consultation on revision of European Union Construction Products Regulation
The European Commission (EC) has launched an open public consultation on the Construction Products Regulation.
The Commission is seeking stakeholders' views in order to improve the functioning of the European Union (EU) market for construction products.
The Construction Products Regulation sets the harmonised requirements for construction products for a level playing field in the Internal Market. Its revision was announced in the European Green Deal and in the Circular Economy Action Plan.
Main stakeholders are economic actors involved in the design, marketing and use of construction products (i.e. construction products manufacturers, building industry/contractors, raw material suppliers, architects, engineers, importers and distributors of construction products, as well as their sectorial associations at EU, national, regional or local levels), with specific attention to SMEs that dominate the sector.
Further potential stakeholders are public authorities, standardisation organisations, academia or research institutions, environmental NGOs, consumer associations, trade unions, consumers, workers and individuals.
The consultation will remain open until 25 December and is available here. Based on the feedback from this and other, focused, consultations, the Commission aims to adopt the revision of the Regulation before the end of 2021.