RE-CENTRE OPEN CALL - Extended Deadline: 03/07/2023 AT 15 pm CET
RE-CENTRE is an EROCLUSTER project that supports SMEs from the three sectors involved (traditional furniture and living sector, IT sector, and green/circular economy sector) in the development of innovation projects and new business models to become more competitive and resilient trough collaboration.
The general objective of this RE-CENTRE Open Call is to financially support small cross sectorial partnerships creating/adopting new collaboration models that include digital and/or greening innovations and/or technologies.
RE-CENTRE will put in place a cascade funding mechanism for innovation vouchers, to support the deployment of 20 projects that include digital and/or greening innovations/technologies (52.000 € grant paid as lump sum/project).
Each proposal must be made by a consortium composed of at least 2 SMEs active in at least 2 different sectors out of the 3 targeted.
From 18/04/2023 till 03/07/2023 17:00 pm CET (new extended deadline !).
For more information on the RE-CENTRE open call, visit: