Recap of the third ClusterXchange Network webinar - updates on the ClusterXchange mobility scheme

Submitted by Imogen Allan on 10 June 2021

On 9 June the ClusterXchange Support Office of ECCP, DG GROW and EISMEA hosted a webinar for the European Cluster Partnerships│Excellence (Partnerships). It was an occasion for the Partnerships to share experiences on the ClusterXchange mobility scheme and prepare for the physical exchanges to be hosted in the coming months. 


ClusterXchange is a pilot mobility scheme supporting short-term exchanges between cluster actors from different industrial ecosystems. The ClusterXchange scheme is implemented by the Partnerships with assistance from the ECCP.

Benoit Esmanne from the European Commission’s DG GROW started the session by welcoming the participants and reminding that it was the occasion to take stock about the experiences so far as the first physical exchanges were about to start.

In the first part of the webinar, some key figures were shared by the ClusterXchange Support Office on the status of the ClusterXchange scheme. So far, 80 virtual exchanges took place supported by 11 Partnerships. In addition, two exchanges are ongoing, and three exchanges are upcoming. The Support Office then provided information on the recent developments of the scheme and upcoming activities.

This presentation was followed two Partnerships, EXTRATEX and Recipe4Mobility, sharing their experiences on their recently conducted virtual exchanges. Leonardo Marchetti from EXTRATEX presented the organisation of virtual seminars, virtual visits, and virtual B2B and C2C meetings, while Giulia Maifrini for RECIPE4Mobility gave details on the trainings and coaching sessions given by an external trainer.

In the last session, the Support Office clarified some aspects related to the exchanges, gave some tips to prepare the upcoming physical exchanges and provided solutions to commonly encountered issues.

Partnerships were encouraged to give feedback on the scheme and its added value, as well as on aspects to improve in the future.

The webinar presentations are available on the ClusterXchange document repository.

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