Regional Innovation Barometer in the Balkan, Black Sea and Baltic countries
The Balkan, Black Sea & Baltic ICT Network has just launched an initiative dedicated to mapping the innovation potential and overview of the state of Industry in our wider region. Through the common effort of 16 cluster organizations from 9 countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Latvia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia) the network aims to significantly increase the global visibility of the region as a technology-oriented destination and establish a common research and business framework for IT sector development.
We are inviting all IT&C clusters in the region to forward this invitation to their companies active in these countries to fill in the online barometer, the only regional initiative of its kind, which will centralize data and identify current trends at the macro-region level. Help us get hard fact and figures behind the reputation!
Click here to participate!
An executive summary of the barometer will be published on the European Cluster Collaboration Platform.
For more information please contact:
Anna Naydenova, Executive Director, email: anna_naydenova [at] (anna_naydenova[at]ictalent[dot]org)
Petar Statev, Chairman, email: peter_statev [at] (peter_statev[at]ictalent[dot]org)