Last update date 12 November 2021

Description of measure

The aim of the strategy is to turn the North-West Development Region in 2030 in a smart territory supported by a network of interconnected and innovative cities that use technology to facilitate sustainable development. Thus, innovation, the relationship between the administration and the citizens and the care for the efficient use of resources are the key to the progress of the region. The North-West smart region relies on a digital network of localities consisting of regional, county, micro-regional and local innovation centers and cities that develop on smart city levels depending on potential: tourism, energy - environment, quality of housing, education and so on. At the local level, municipalities and cities have data collection infrastructure, sensor networks and other devices that form IoT (internet of things) networks, generate complex data sets, available to the general public and used to ensure better management of the city, services, but also of the production process.

Territorial validity
Thematic Priority
Strategic challenges
Type of cluster support
(Nord-Vest) - Agri-textile