BUILD RESILIENCE: Use clusters to identify and implement shared value initiatives

Policy toolkit item

Industrial Transition in the Cultural and Creative Industry Emilia-Romagna

The “Associazione Clust-ER Industrie Culturali e Creative (Clust-ER CREATE)”, located in Bologna, assumes the role of a coordinator of the Creative & Cultural Industries (CCI) ecosystem, which is amongst the main innovative ecosystems in the region Emilia-Romagna, Italy. The Clust-ER CREATE was...
Policy toolkit item

Construction Innovation Hub

The Construction Innovation hub draws in a myriad of different actors ranging from organisations, industry entities, policy-makers, practitioners and academics for collaborative projects. This is mainly directed at fostering innovation with and in the construction sector, with a shift to...

Policy toolkit item


The Swelife project is funded by the Swedish Government. Swelife acts as a facilitator and supports collaboration within academia, industry and healthcare, with the goal to strengthen Life Science in Sweden and to improve public health. Swelife aims to utilise the knowledge and resources available...

Policy toolkit item

Swedish Mining Innovation

The Swedish Mining innovation (SMI) is part of a joint investment in strategic innovation areas by Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency. The main objective of SMI is to strengthen the competitiveness of the Swedish mining and metal extraction industry. SMI promotes and supports leading...

Policy toolkit item

Regional Strategy for Urban Mobility and Smart Cities 2021-2027

The aim of the strategy is to turn the North-West Development Region in 2030 in a smart territory supported by a network of interconnected and innovative cities that use technology to facilitate sustainable development. Thus, innovation, the relationship between the administration and the citizens...

Policy toolkit item

The Industry of the Future Platform Foundation

The aim of The Industry of the Future Platform Foundation is to increase the competitiveness of entrepreneurs and their development towards Industry 4.0. This includes supporting their digital transformation in terms of processes, products and business models, using the latest achievements in the...

Policy toolkit item

Polish Register of Cleaner Production and Responsible Entrepreneurship

Polish Register of Cleaner Production and Responsible Entrepreneurship was established in 2002 and operates under the leadership of the Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment. The initiative is permanent, with no time limit. The register is a nationwide, publicly available list of firms and...

Policy toolkit item

GreenEvo - Green Technology Accelerator

GreenEvo - Green Technology Accelerator is a programme of the Ministry of Climate and Environment prepared with a view to promote Polish green technologies. The main objective is the support of Polish environmental technologies in the country and abroad. The programme was designed to help Polish...

Policy toolkit item

Business Incubator Network of Moldova

The Business Incubators support the start ups in terms of logistics and consultancy support. Meanwhile, they represent the nucleus of cluster development in the R of Moldova (e.g. Sorintex, in the field of textiles, which management is located in the Business Incubator of Soroca and Cahul Creative...

Policy toolkit item

Promotion of university efforts towards 2050

Under the Japanese government's 'Green Growth Strategy Through Achieving Carbon Neutrality in 2050', a series of measures is underway to support the development of university collaborations and development at the local and regional level. The objective of one of these measures is to facilitate...

Policy toolkit item

Red Cluster Colombia

The Private Competitiveness Council (CPC) and the Foreign Trade Bank (BANCOLDEX) through its Development and Innovation unit (INNpulsa), launched Red Cluster Colombia. The Red Cluster Colombia, based on the web platform, is a space to articulate the actors who have been...

Policy toolkit item

Logistics Resilience Task Force

The Flemish government, with the support of VIL, the Flanders Innovation Cluster on Logistics, established the Logistics Resilience Task Force. The objective of the task force was to support companies to adapt to the Covid-19 pandemic and to optimise their activities, possibly through digital...