RegioStars Awards 2019: call for applications
Deadline: 8 March 2019
The call is open for RegioStars Awards 2019! Are you proud of your project? Would you describe it as original, innovative and inspiring? Does it deserve recognition for identifying good practices in regional development? Perhaps this is your year - submit an application now!
You can apply in any of the five Award categories:
- Smart growth: Promoting digital transformation
- Sustainable growth: Connecting green, blue and grey
- Inclusive growth: Combatting inequalities and poverty
- Urban development: Building climate-resilient cities
- Topic of the year 2019: Modernising health services
To be eligible, the project needs to be fully implemented or sufficiently advanced in a way that it can demonstrate progress in the achievement of the original objectives.
Interreg Europe projects working on the above mentioned topics are encouraged to express their interest to participate. Up to 5 projects can be nominated per programme. The Interreg Europe programme’s managing authority will make the final decision on which projects to submit for the RegioStars 2019 awards.
In order to be considered for the nomination, please express your interest by filling an online form as soon as possible and by 8 March 2019 at the latest.
Selected projects will be notified by the end of March to finalise their application. The final submission will be done by the project manager, with the endorsement of the managing authority. The online application platform is open until 9 May 2019.
The official RegioStars award ceremony will take place during the European Week of Regions and Cities in October 2019.
More information:
- Submit your project (pre-selection questionnaire for Interreg Europe projects)
- RegioStars website
- Guide for applicants
- RegioStars 2019 application platform (final application)
The call was published on the Interreg Europe website on 25/02/2019