Register to the conference "Biotechnology, a space for articulation of challenges, skills and ICT" in Bogota, Colombia, 5-7 October 2016

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 03 August 2016

Biotechnology, a space for articulation of challenges, skills and ICT

Space dedicated to the articulation of challenges and capabilities for the generation of technology based business opportunities among different actors dedicated to the development of applied biotechnology solutions that integrate Information & Communication Technologies within their processes.  


  • Identify challenges, capacities and opportunities of the biotechnology and ICT sectors in order to connect them with solutions from the ELAN community.
  • To generate a space of collaboration between different actors of Europa and Latin America that aims to secure technology based business deals within the biotech and ICT sectors.
  • To propitiate spaces of co-creation in the ELAN network in order to prepare activities that promote the collaboration between Europe and Latin America for strengthening innovation.

For other details and registration please visit ELAN event page related to the event. 

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