Reskilling and upskilling for the future

Submitted by Imogen Allan on 04 June 2021

In the meeting on 6 April, the European Alliance Against Coronavirus revisited the topic of re- and upskilling; one of the key priorities for the coming years.  

André Richier from DG GROW updated the group on the Pact for Skills. The focus is setting up large scale partnerships for the 14 industrial ecosystems defined by the European Commission for the recovery.

Roundtables in more ecosystems are already set up to kick-start partnerships. The European Commission will elaborate blueprints for sectoral cooperation on skills, which will be the cornerstones of the Commission’s sectoral strategy for skills intelligence and development. This sectorial dimension will be directly linked with a regional dimension. First blueprints are being shaped in the Automotive, Microelectronics, and Aerospace and Defence ecosystems.

Kieran Delaney from Project FIT4FoF presented the H2020 project FIT4FoF – Making our workforce fit for the Factory of the Future. The project aims to identify new skills requirements and job profiles, develop a new education and training frameworks, empower the existing workforce to be co-designers of life-long training, and build capacity to adapt to the changing requirements. They focus on six tech areas to firstly develop a rolling programme to analyse needs, secondly design and compose high quality training and education programmes, and thirdly deliver and replicate training processes in pilots.

Paulo Leitão from the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança introduced the project’s catalogue of over 100 new job profiles, which is one of the project’s results. 64% of these job profiles are “new” because of the advancing digitization and the development of the Industry 4.0. A significant number of job profiles are becoming obsolete. He concluded that soft skills are of huge relevance and some are cross-cutting among the different types of profiles​. Digital skills are required in several industrial sectors​ and many people need to acquire these skills to face the new job market reality.  

The morning session are open to everyone.

Sign up to receive invitations here.

Watch the full recording of the session below.

Pact for Skills
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