The second Call for Proposals of the Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 09 December 2018

The ENI CBC Black Sea Basin programme includes eight participating countries, some of them including their whole national territory, while the others include those regions closest to the Basin, as follows: Armenia, Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine (please see Section 1.7 of the Guidelines for Applicans for the eligible area of the programme).

Supporting regional, local/national public authority, bodies governed by public law, non-profit organizations (eligible applicants), the overall objective of the call is to improve the welfare of the people in the Black Sea basin regions through sustainable growth and joint environmental protection, with two specific ojectives:

1. Promote business and entrepreneurship within the Black Sea basin

Priority 1.1 Jointly promote business and entrepreneurship in the tourism and cultural sectors

Priority 1.2 Increase cross-border trade opportunities and modernisation in the agricultural and connected sectors

2. Promote coordination of environmental protection and joint reduction of marine litter in the Black Sea basin 

Priority 2.1 Improve joint environmental monitoring

Priority 2.2 Promote common awareness-raising and joint actions to reduce river and marine litter

The indicative amount of ENI funds made available under this Call for Proposals is of 24,479,111.70 EUR, distributed by priority as presented in the table below:

Priority EU funding Co-financing

Total funding


Specific  Objective 1 14,053,458,03 1,124,276.64 15,177,734.67
Priority 1.1 9,837,420.62 786,993.65 10,624,414.27
Priority 1.2 4,216,037.41 337,282.99 4,553,320.40
Specific  Objective 2 10,425,653.67 834,052.30 11,259,705,98
Priority 2.1 5,212,826.835 417,026.15 5,629,852.99
Priority 2.2 5,212,826.835 417,026.15 5,629,852.99
Total 24,479,111.70 1,958,328,94 26,437,440,65

The ENI grant shall be maximum 92% of the total eligible costs of the Project (per each Lead/Project partner).

Please see the Applicants Pack for the 2nd Call for proposals of the Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020 for further detailed information on the expected results, programme indicators, eligibility requirements, as well as how to apply and procedures to follow.

The Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020 is one of the three maritime basin programmes established in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) 2014-2020 - Programming document for EU support to ENI Cross-Border Cooperation (2014-2020). The Programme builds upon previous cooperation under the Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2007-2013, and takes into account the lessons learned from this past experience, as well as those drawn from reviews and evaluations and reflected in the ENI CBC Programming Document.

Updated on 05/12/2018 on

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