Signature of a partnership agreement between Éa éco-entreprises and FASK
On 11th January 2023, Jocelyn Meire, Founder of FASK, and André Durbec, President of Éa éco entreprises, met in Aix-en-Provence at the Technopôle de l’Environnement de l’Arbois to give concrete form to their partnership, which began a year ago.
The story goes back to the desire of Éa éco-entreprises to share experiences and innovate on the environmental issues of the textile sector, following the start of the European “CLOTH” project in which the cluster is a partner and involves its members.
Through this partnership Ea éco-entreprises is strenghtening its network and reinforcing the services provided to the members. In the coming months, the two networks will work together to set up a working group gathering actors of both networks to work on the following topics:
– CSR, a tool for ecological transition in the fashion industry
– State of the art on production in the South Region: production and transformation of raw material on the territory
Additionally, the partnership will be enacted by both networks during events and seminars set up with a common action plan.
This new partnership was set up through Éa éco-entreprises’ work on building its capacities as a cluster and creating links between textile actors and sustainable solution providers. CLOTH project has enabled the partnership to be set up and will continue to feed the work of both networks.
About Éa éco-entreprises
Éa éco-entreprises, which has been active since 1996, is the cluster that brings together the actors of the transition in Region Sud. The network, which has nearly 200 members, brings together companies of all sizes, research laboratories and associations, developing a cross sectoral approach (water, waste, polluted sites and soils, renewable energies, renewable energies, biodiversity, ecological engineering, odour & air.
About FASK
FASK, an association created in 2019, brings together designers, manufacturers, distributors, craftsmen and industrialists from the fashion, textile, accessories, leather goods, jewellery, cosmetics and perfumery sectors based in Region Sud. The association’s mission is to contribute to the economic development of this ecosystem
CLOTH project – CLuster Alliance fOr the Transition to green and digital fasHion – is a new alliance aiming to create a favorable ecosystem of relevant stakeholders, from a cross-sectoral perspective, promoting a greener, smarter and more competitive and innovative European Fashion industry.
The CLOTH project is an integrated cross-sectoral partnership with 5 partners from 5 European countries (Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, Denmark and France) working on different value chains: Fashion and Textile, circular economy, creative industry and Digital. During the EU supported CLOTH Project will be organized minimum 100 short-term exchanges between targeted members of clusters located in other countries.
The CLOTH project is funded by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA), under the powers delegated by the European Commission, COSME programme, call COS-CLUSTER-2020-3-03 / COS-CLUSTER-2020-3-03-1 (European Cluster Excellence Programme with ClusterXchange scheme connecting ecosystems and cities).
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