A Strategist’s Guide to Industry 4.0
Global businesses are about to integrate their operations into a seamless digital whole, and thereby change the world.
Industrial revolutions are momentous events. By most reckonings, there have been only three. The first was triggered in the 1700s by the commercial steam engine and the mechanical loom. The harnessing of electricity and mass production sparked the second, around the start of the 20th century. The computer set the third in motion after World War II.
It might seem too soon to proclaim that the fourth industrial revolution, spurred by interconnected digital technology, has begun. But Henning Kagermann, the head of the German National Academy of Science and Engineering (Acatech), did exactly that in 2011, when he used the term Industrie 4.0 to describe a proposed government-sponsored industrial initiative.
A very interesting article by Reinhard Geissbauer, Jesper Vedsø, and Stefan Schrauf, on strategy-business.com. For the entire article click here.