Stronger cooperation between cluster associations in Europe
On the 16th of May, 10 cluster associations from Spain, France, Lithuania, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania issued the Bucharest Declaration aimed at intensifying the cooperation in terms of innovation, internationalisation and cluster policy support with the final objective of setting up an European Cluster Association in the near future.
The Declaration was the final highlight of the European Cluster Conference (14-16 May), organised in Bucharest by the European Commission and the Romanian Ministry of Economy under the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council, following a most interesting debate on the Role of Cluster Associations in the Future European Cluster Landscape, a highly attended event organised by the Romanian Cluster Association on the 16th of May, in the frame of the DTP Project “Danubiovalnet”.
The initiative, originating in the activities of the Cluster Group Activities of the Priority Area 8 of the EUSDR, was driven by the need of making the voice of clusters more heard at European level and recognising the national cluster associations as dialogue and policy support partners. The European Commission welcomed and expressed its support for the initiative.
The approach is opened for all interested cluster support organisations around Europe.
For further details, please contact Mr Daniel Cosnita, President of the Romanian Cluster Association at daniel.cosnita [at] (daniel[dot]cosnita[at]clustero[dot]eu),