Supporting an Innovation Agenda for the Western Balkans - Tools and Methodologies
A Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service, this publication aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The report (source: presents the ongoing work of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) in supporting an Innovation Agenda for the Western Balkans in cooperation with the Directorate General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), offering a preliminary overview of the present situation in the context of economic, innovative and scientific potential of the Western Balkan economies, presenting tools and methodologies that can help address the existing and emerging challenges.
The report is structured on three main chapters:
Part 1. Innovation policies for economic transformation in the Western Balkans
Part 2. The economic, scientific and innovation landscape of the Western Balkans
Part 3. Innovation policies to transform territories: Challenges and good practices
and one conclusion is that "further sustainability of a virtuous policy making cycle will depend mainly on government commitment and action in the WB, as well as the development of innovation ecosystems built on trust, transparency, inclusiveness and focused on a limited number of key priorities for policy support. This effort is closely related to concrete steps to be taken in the domains identified as challenges in this report: creating institutional frameworks; providing evidence for policy priorities; building innovation communities and systems; supporting transformative and innovative projects; enhancing data-driven innovation; nurturing cross-border cooperation avenues; and understanding what works through monitoring and evaluation".
For a thorough reading, the report is available here or attached.