Survey: Best Practices of Public Procurement of Medicines in Europe
We are pleased to invite you to share your perspectives on public procurement of medicines through an online survey.
The survey is conducted as part of the study on “Best Practices of Public Procurement of Medicines in Europe” which the European Commission launched to feed the non-legislative work of the Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe. Gesundheit Österreich Beratungs GmbH (Austrian National Public Health Institute) and Tetra Tech SP. Z.O.O. were commissioned to conduct this study. For further details please see an information sheet accessible at:
In the survey, you will be asked to assess the impact of a set of procurement practices (such as centralised procurement, cross-country joint procurement, etc. but also different types of procedures and award criteria) on the following policy objectives:
- Access: overall access to medicines
- Affordability: affordability for patients and the health systems (including financial sustainability)
- Availability: availability with regard to medicines launched on the market / withdrawal of medicines
- Security of supply: avoidance / reduction of disruptions and shortages
- Environment: sustainable and "green" manufacturing and design
- Competition: competitive market environment
- Preparedness: better preparedness and handling of public health emergencies and crises
You can access the survey here:
You can also download a PDF copy of the survey through the link.
The survey should be completed once per institution. Given the scope of the survey, it may therefore be beneficial to coordinate responses within your institution, or to identify individuals who can address all policy areas mentioned above.
We are aware that some respondents may occupy several roles (e.g., they may represent both their national institution as well as part of a cross-country collaboration). These respondents are asked to identify the stakeholder perspective taken for responding to the survey (e.g. national institution only) and repeat the survey for their other role (e.g. cross-country collaboration), if necessary.
Please submit your responses by 27 May 2022. There will be no extension to the closure of the survey.
If you have any further queries regarding the study, feel free to directly contact the study team at their project email address
We are looking forward to your strong participation in this survey.