Last update date 10 February 2022
The main goal of the activity is to support the development of innovation networks - technology platforms as tools for increasing the intensity of joint research, development and innovation activities between business entities and the research sector. The technology platforms are networks bringing together innovation actors, universities, RTOs and other key stakeholders in different sectors and technology segments which were selected as priorities for the implementation of the national smart specialization strategy.
The technology platforms are given support to combine knowledge and different competences and to identify the main bottlenecks and opportunities in the industrial and societal challenges related to the industrial modernization and uptake of key enabling technologies in the different priority and application sectors.
The technology platforms develop a comprehensive roadmap defining the stages and specific steps leading to industrial modernization and the introduction of advanced technologies relevant to their sector (e.g. in the implementation of Industry 4.0, KETs, etc.).
The technology roadmaps for industrial modernization increase the readiness of SMEs for the uptake of advanced technologies, which require a combination of different competences and innovative solutions and which can contribute to the development of new cross-sectoral value chains.