TETRAMAX 1st open call for Bilateral Technology Transfer Experiments (TTX)
Deadline: 28.02.2018, 17:00 CET (Brussels time)
TETRAMAX is a new Horizon 2020 innovation action and will provide an implementation of the European Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative in the domain of customized and low-energy computing for cyber physical systems and the internet of things, seeking to accelerate innovation within European Industries . The total budget of the TETRAMAX project is 7M€ and is coordinated by RWTH Aachen University, with 22 partners, covering almost all EU countries. During the TETRAMAX project run time (September 2017 - August 2021), different open calls are forseen to offer the participants the chance to contribute to the TETRAMAX technology transfer experiments (TTX) with significant funding opportunities.
Within the said project, the 1st open call for Bilateral Technology Transfer Experiments (TTX) was published on 30.11.2017. The total financial support per TTX / TTX partner organisation is between €20,000 and €50,000 maximum (for two partner organizations), while €35.000 average funding is anticipated per TTX. The expected duration is between 6 and 12 months, starting no earlier than June 2018 and ending by December 2019, at the latest.
About TETRAMAX types of activities
Today’s European industries are challenged by the fast developing digitalization era, making it increasingly difficult for SMEs and mid‐caps to keep track with, and benefit from, modern ICT for their business and production cycles.
The innovation action TETRAMAX aims to boost innovation by stimulating, organizing and evaluating different kinds of Technology Transfer Experiments (TTX). These co‐funded “application experiments” connect SMEs and mid‐caps with international academics, resulting in low‐risk industrial adoption of novel computing technologies. TETRAMAX provides innovative advanced digital technologies for novel electronic and non‐electronic products in the area of Customized Low‐ Energy Computing (CLEC) for Cyber‐Physical Systems (CPS) and the Internet of Things (IOT).
Additionally, building and leveraging a European Competence Center Network (CCN) on CLEC will increase the exchange of technologies and solutions, hence increasing the opportunities for technology transfers. In the long term, TETRAMAX will be the trailblazer towards a reinforced, profitable, and sustainable ecosystem infrastructure, providing CLEC competence, services and a continuous innovation stream at European scale, yet with strong regional presence as preferred by SMEs.
Goal of a bilateral TTX
During a bilateral TTX, one academic partner (publicly funded, university or research institution) based in an EU member state or associated country transfers a particular novel HW or SW technology in the domain of CLEC for CPS and IoT to a receiving industry partner (privately funded, preferably an SME or mid‐cap) from a different EU member state or associated country. In justified cases, both partners can be SMEs, which means that one SME partner is the technology provider and the other SME partner is the technology receiver.
The receiving partner adopts and deploys this technology to enable improved products or processes (e.g. by gains concerning product cost, performance, or power consumption). Thereby, the technology receiver will achieve innovation and measureable impact, e.g. in terms of increased revenue or newly created jobs.
Details on the open call including the Guide for Applicants and the online proposal submission platform can be found here.