Third Benchmarking Visits & Training tour in Wallonia for the South-Med Clusters of THE NEXT SOCIETY Cluster Booster Track

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 22 October 2019

The third Benchmarking Visits & Training of THE NEXT SOCIETY is about to start. After Catalonia, in Spain and Piedmont, in Italy, this time benchmarking visits and training activities will take place in the Walloon region, Belgium. As of next Monday, 28 October, about 12 cluster managers, cluster representatives and network managers from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia, will take part to this third exciting inspiration and learning 5 day-tour and will have the opportunity to meet their peers from the Walloon region. The programme of the week will focus on the following key topics: Cluster governance; Members engagement; International network development.

Theoretical sessions and work on practical case studies will be completed by visits to the premises of Walloon clusters so to explore examples of successful cluster management practices and projects directly in situ. The week’s activities will include the participation of clusters from Wallonia as Wagralim (food-processing), Cluster Eco-construction (Eco-building) and its member company Isohemp, and TWIST (media).

The delegation will have also have the opportunity to meet representatives from Walloon organizations involved in supporting Research & Innovation in SMEs and Tech Transfer in ICT (as for instance, the Wallonia-Brussels Research and innovation Platform / Research and innovation support office and CETIC – the Center of Excellence in Information and Communication Technology).

Finally, THE NEXT SOCIETY delegation will participate to the KIKK festival, a well renowned event on the international digital & creative scene.

The goal of the Benchmarking Visits & Training tour in Wallonia is to provide the South Mediterranean cluster managers with new methodologies and tools on cluster management topics, as identified through the diagnosis phase of their clusters as well as to generate new contacts to boost collaboration opportunities.

The 3nd Benchmarking Visits and Training tour is organised by AWEX, which will host the Mediterranean delegation, as well as France Clusters the coordinator of the Cluster Booster Track, both partners in THE NEXT SOCIETY.

The Benchmarking Visits & Training are part of the which is the Cluster Booster track “cluster”component of THE NEXT SOCIETY Initiative.

In 2020, one additional 5-day study tour will be organized by France Clusters and risingSUD (the economic development agency for the Sud region in France).

More information:

Contact :

Sara Botti, THE NEXT SOCIETY project coordinator for France Clusters

sara.botti [at] (sara[dot]botti[at]franceclusters[dot]fr)

Third Country
Morocco Tunisia Other Countries in Africa Central Asia and Middle East
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