Three Bronze Labels for non-benchmarked clusters in TRACE-KEI
The three not yet labelled clusters in TRACE-KEI: Madan Parque, Cluster for Energy Efficiency and Green Synergy Cluster, performed the benchmarking assessment in the framework of ESCA labels for cluster excellence and were awarded with Bronze label. The benchmarking interviews were done in February when experts from the German company VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH assessed each of the three clusters. Through the Bronze label achievement, the clusters made the first step towards improving the quality of their cluster management.
This benchmark is part of the EU efforts to create more world-class clusters across EU by strengthening their excellence. Under the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme, DG Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission launched in 2009 the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI) in order to develop methodologies and tools to support cluster organizations in improving their capabilities in the management of clusters and networks. Cluster management organizations that benchmark themselves with peers in order to learn from best practice demonstrate their interest in striving for excellence. Based on the cluster assessment, ESCA experts provided recommendations for improving actions towards cluster management excellence. The benchmarking of networks and clusters is gaining significance increasingly, since clusters are considered as a driver for innovation and regional development worldwide. More about cluster benchmarking at: