Training session: How to place your cluster in the European move and grab new opportunities

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 12 May 2017

Brussels, 25-26 September

At the end of 2016 France Clusters organized a web conference to help you, clusters, to figure out which call for projects you can apply for at European level.
Marc Pattinson, Managing Director of Inno TSD, expert on clusters and European issues, and coordinator of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) facilitated the web conference. Marc gave you some keys to understand such calls and to use the tools which are proposed by the ECCP dedicated to cluster calls.

Along with you, more than 70 participants signed up to this web event: you stated your satisfaction, and through your questions, you expressed the need to go further. We understand that it is crucial for you to position yourself in Europe, as a way to endure your business. This is why we propose a 2 days training session in Brussels to enable you to acquire the right method and tools to seize the European opportunities offered to clusters.

Île-de-France Europe Representation
10, rue Montoyer,
1000 Bruxelles, Belgique 

Infos / Subscribe

katia.gorsen [at] (katia[dot]gorsen[at]franceclusters[dot]fr)

04 72 91 27 03

The entire programme is available here as well as in the attached document (in French language).

The expert’s opinion

Marc Pattinson, Managing Director of Inno TSD, expert on clusters and European issues, and coordinator of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP)

« Today, cluster managers are confronted to new ecosystems that are increasingly open to the world, and their members (SMEs) are interested in international markets. European projects and funding are both tools and working methods enabling to respond to these internationalization challenges. In recent years, the practice of European projects has become more professional. It now requires cluster managers to be informed and actively involved in the right networks.

Clusters need to work together to implement cross-sectoral approaches adapted to industrial trends, including modernization through digital technology. Working on a European scale can help to find partnership solutions and funding.

By participating in this training, cluster managers will be able to learn and exchange around good practices, as well as to develop their strategy, so to meet the needs of their cluster members”.

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