Transforming the construction ecosystem: Sustainable Building and Renovation
In the European Alliance Against Coronavirus meeting on 23 March, Océane Peiffer-Smadja from DG GROW gave an update on the Renovation Wave and the Affordable Housing Initiative.
As the construction ecosystem was hit hard by the covid crisis, renovation is one of the flagship areas for the recovery. The Renovation Wave and the Affordable Housing Initiative aim to incentivise Member States to invest in the renovation of buildings and to deliver on the European Green Deal.
It is designed as a bottom-up initiative, and the key objective is to provide support, coordination and expertise to local industrial partnerships implementing renovation projects of social and affordable housing. Renovation pilots combine technologies, smart energy efficient solutions, circular and modular renovation toolkits, or renewables as energy sources. Its implementation will be realised in line with the New European Bauhaus to consider cultural, aesthetic, and creative aspects in renovation of social housing and integrate it in a wider urban development approach.
Giuseppe Rossi from Pole of Innovation Green HoMe showed examples from his cluster on how to implement sustainable building in the region. Green HoMe aims to promote sustainable building with new technological solutions by designing Mediterranean houses with natural, entrepreneurial and research resources available at a regional level.
The cluster is working on five specific value chains: production of components with hemp and natural fibres, multifunctional innovative face systems for building requalification, waste recovery from demolition and restructuring for beach nourishment, Calabrian wood certified for structural purposes, and smart building solutions for comfort and energy saving.
The morning session are open to everyone.
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