Upcoming SMEs Go International Technical Assistance Facility
The ECCP is planning to launch the ‘SMEs Go International Technical Assistance Facility’. Stay tuned for our call for concept notes that will be launched in the coming weeks!
Who is this for? This is a unique opportunity exclusively available for EU based SMEs that participated in the activities of ESCP4i Partnerships in the past.
Vision of the Facility: The objective is to support European SMEs to develop commercially viable/bankable business projects in partnership with companies and other actors from outside Europe. Our vision is to support SMEs to:
- GROW - untapping the potential of European SMEs through tailored direct advisory support;
- CONNECT - harnessing internationalisation of European SMEs by facilitating business contacts with third country organisations;
- TRANSFORM - supporting European SMEs to diversify, innovate and generate employment.
How do we operate the Facility?
- We shall support SMEs that have developed ideas with actors outside the EU through ESCP4i Partnerships activities that are (potentially) commercially viable and intend to move further towards securing successful business contracts.
- We know that one size can’t fit all and there is no magic bullet to business growth, therefore, our support is tailor made and based on SMEs self-declared needs.
- We create the space and opportunity for SMEs to receive support from world-class Business Advisors who bring local and general knowledge and experience.
- Successful applicants will receive support from a dedicated team under the leadership of an individual Senior Business visor to take them through the journey of their growth trajectory.
- We don’t just provide direct support and advice, we learn from the partnerships and with them. Therefore, we will demonstrate successes with the community around us to expand SMEs opportunities further.
Interested to explore this journey with us? Please send a message to smes-go-international [at] ecorys.com (smes-go-international[at]ecorys[dot]com) requesting to be included in our mailing list for direct project updates.