Visegrad/Visegrad+/Strategic Grants open for applications

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 03 January 2019

The first call for applications for Visegrad, Visegrad+ and Strategic Grants has been published. The application deadline is February 1, at 12.00 PM (noon).

With grants, Visegrad Fund supports cross-border and transnational projects in Visegrad region, Eastern Partnership and Western Balkans countries. Visegrad Fund awards grants three times a year via three different grant programs: The Visegard Grants, Visegard+ Grants and Strategic Grants providing funding to a diverse range of activities in all areas of life. From small cross-border projects that strive to improve mutual understanding in the border areas to multilateral initiatives with potential to benefit people across the whole region.

Visegrad grants support regional partnerships among NGOs and civil society organizations, public institutions and municipalities, private companies and nonprofit organizations as well as education and research centers that contribute to cooperation in the Visegrad region.

Visegrad+ Grants support projects which contribute to the democratization and transformation processes in selected countries and regions, especially non-EU member states in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership countries.

Strategic Grants support project addressing annual strategic priorities of the Visegrad Group. Strategic priorities are announced annually by the V4 country holding the rotating presidency over the group, which from July 2018 to June 2019 is Slovakia.

Each project proposal shall present a deliverable-based budget, i.e., budget based on estimated costs related to the delivery of concrete outputs (deliverables). The Fund can cover total project costs estimated in each proposal but may also choose concrete outputs to be supported by the grant.

Please find more details on guidelines, eligibility criteria, application, selection criteria and other call documents here

Published on Visegrad Fund website on  January 2, 2019.   © 2019 International Visegrad Fund

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