Webinar : ENRICH in the USA Renewable Energy R&D community

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 25 March 2019

Are you interested in the USA Renewable Energy R&D community?

ENRICH in the USA  (https://usa.enrichcentres.eu/) is organising a webinar on March 28th at 3pm CET to present an assessment of the US Renewable Energy research landscape.

The webinar can be an effective tool to gain knowledge on the US research community and:

  • To identify potential approaches to developing collaborative projects with US researchers, research groups and research organizations;
  • To identify relevant networks that can be used as a conduit to meeting potential collaborators; and
  • To identify and assess the opportunity to participate in US funding programs related to renewable energies R&D in order to propose potential project opportunities to US research counterparts.

The webinar will last for 1 hour and will be held in English.

Registration is obligatory, but the webinar is free of charge.

Registration link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2238402662048083213

In case you have any questions please contact Daniela B. Coutinho danielabcoutinho [at] spi.pt (danielabcoutinho[at]spi[dot]pt).

ENRICH in the USA is powered by NearUS, the Horizon 2020 initiative to establish a Network of European Research and Innovation Centres throughout the USA.

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United States of America
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