Developing skills for S3, industrial transition and entrepreneurship
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 10 September 2020
This morning session of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus was dedicated to the skills aspect of smart specialisation. Starting with the example of their clusters work, Carla Jiménez from CEAGA explained how they want to apply their successful “Lean Experts Development Plan” to support companies in the digital transformation. For this, they need to provide win-win solutions for “clients” and “providers” and involve all stakeholders and different sectors. For developing the needed skills, European, national, and regional administrations’ support is a must to finance training.
Andrei Bunis from DG GROW presented the idea and the progress of the European Pact for Skills, which will be launched in November 2020. It is the mail tool foreseen by the European Commission to move forward in the skills aspect and aims at increasing the mobility of employees along value chains. Clusters will participate in its implementation and will need to connect the industry with the partnerships developed under the pact.
Felix Rohn from DG EMPL added the actions that the European Commission will promote to skill people for job. These include National Skills Strategies and Public Employment Services, recommendations on VET, collaboration with European universities, and skills to support the twin transition, among others. They will be implemented through large scale partnerships.
Andreja Šeperac from the regional development agency SIMORA gave the example of how a Croatian region changed their leading sector from heavy industry to gaming. With the help of regional stakeholders, they successfully developed a six steps plan to reskill the workforce and adapt the education system to the needs of the new ecosystem.
Esteban Pelayo from EURADA emphasised the need to work together. In the new programming period of smart specialisation, skills will play a bigger role. The regions and stakeholder need to connect more to push this strong aspect of cohesion policies.
A recording of the session is available here.
These are the presentations shown during the meeting:
Skills agenda overview_Felix Rohn (1).pdf EAAC_Eurada_10.9._Andreja Seperac.pdf Presentation - Towards a Pact for Skills - 10092020_Andrei Bunis.pdf Skills development. A Joint effort_CEAGA_ECA100920.pdfFind information and recordings of previous meetings on the Role of Clusters in Accelerating the European Recovery (since September 2020) here. For European Alliance Against Coronavirus webinar summaries of March - July 2020, please follow this link.
Finally, please find information on the upcoming agenda here.