The Role of Clusters in Accelerating the European Recovery - previous recordings
Since March, ECA has hosted over 100 webinars to analyse the implications and help industrial cluster with the post-pandemic regeneration. After putting the initial emphasis on ad-hoc recovery measures, the European Cluster Alliance Against Coronavirus Initiative is now focussing on the role of clusters in accelerating the European recovery. Hosted by the European Cluster Alliance (ECA), Eurada and the European Commission, the overall aim is to link and reinforce industrial ecosystems in the European Recovery Plans the Smart Specialisation Strategies.
In September, clusters were invited to the "S3: Smart Specialisation Strategies Week" in which will clusters and SMEs were taught how to make use of the EU Structural Funds for recovery. Furthermore, dedicated sessions for each of the 14 industrial ecosystems were held as well as webinars on Clusters in the European Recovery Plans and on the Partnerships of Industrial Modernization Platforms. In October, the focus of the ECA webinars is on the seven flagship areas established by by the European Commission.
Below you can find summaries and videos of the ECA webinars since September 2020 (The Role of Clusters in Accelerating the European Recovery). For summaries of previous sessions (March -July 2020), please follow this link. If you are interested in the topics and agenda of upcoming webinars, please check here.
- 4/11/2020 Flagship area “Reskill and upskill”
- 2/11/2020 Flagship area “Scale-up”
- 30/10/2020 Flagship area “Modernise”
- 29/10/2020 Flagship area “Connect”
- 26/10/2020 The role of clusters in eHealth
- 23/10/2020 Flagship area “Recharge and Refuel”
- 21/10/2020 Flagship area “Renovate”
- 19/10/2020 Flagship area “Power up”
- 16/10/2020 Sharing examples on how to propose projects for the RRF
- 14/10/2020 Industrial Ecosystems: Creative & Cultural Industries
- 12/10/2020 A detailed look at the Recovery and Resilience Facility guidelines applied to the Mobility - Transport - Automotive ecosystem
- 9/10/2020 Cluster proposals for the Interregional Innovation Investment Initiative
- 2/10/2020 Common declaration on the role of clusters in the European Recovery Plans
- 1/10/2020 Industrial Ecosystem: Digital
- 30/9/2020 Clusters in the National Recovery Plans: Lithuania and Czech Republic
- 29/9/2020 Industrial Ecosystems: Mobility – Transport – Automotive
- 28/9/2020 Industrial Ecosystems: Agri-food
- 25/9/2020 Industrial Ecosystems: Textile
- 24/9/2020 Industrial Ecosystems: Health
- 23/9/2020 Industrial Ecosystems: Renewable Energy
- 22/9/2020 Industrial Ecosystems: Energy-intensive industries
- 21/9/2020 News on NextGenerationEU: Guidance for the Recovery Plans
- 18/9/2020 Industrial Ecosystems: Proximity & Social Economy
- 17/9/2020 Industrial Ecosystems: Electronics
- 16/9/2020 Clusters in the National Recovery Plans: France
- 15/9/2020 Industrial Ecosystems: Aerospace & Defence
- 14/9/2020 Industrial Ecosystems: Tourism
- 11/9/2020 S3: International and territorial cooperation
- 10/9/2020 Developing skills for S3, industrial transition and entrepreneurship
- 09/9/2020 S3: Growth and competitiveness of SMEs
- 08/9/2020 S3: Digitalisation for citizens, companies and governments
- 07/9/2020 S3: Enhancing Research and Innovation Capacities
- 04/9/2020 Partnerships of Industrial Modernisation Platforms
- 03/9/2020 Industrial Ecosystem: Construction
- 02/9/2020 Clusters in the European Recovery Plans
- 01/9/2020 Fostering the European Recovery through Industrial Clusters: state of play
To stay up to date with the agenda, you can ask to be included in the ECA mailing list. If you want to join this group, please write to nina.hoppmann [at] (subject: Email%20list%20of%20the%20European%20Alliance%20Against%20Coronavirus, body: Dear%20Nina.%0AI%20want%20to%20be%20included%20in%20the%20email%20list%20of%20the%20European%20Alliance%20Against%20Coronavirus.%0AMy%20personal%20data%3A%0AName%3A%0AEntity%3A%0Aemail%3A%0A) (nina.hoppmann[at]