Industrial Ecosystems: Mobility – Transport – Automotive
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 29 September 2020
As presented by Morgan Guillou, DG GROW, the Mobility – Transport – Automotive ecosystem encompasses the production of motor vehicles shops and trains and their accessories, the repair and maintenance, as well as transportation. It accounts for 7.1% of the EU added value and will play a major role for the European recovery. The green and digital transformations, meaning the uptake of advanced clean-proof and digital technologies, can be an opportunity to reinvent the ecosystem. Innovation and new business models involving high value creating and re-/upskilled job creation will play a key role.
Veronica Elena Bocci, DITECFER, highlighted the potential of the railway sector in helping the EU to become climate neutral. In Italy, the national recovery plan guidelines mark infrastructure marked by sustainability as one of the macro missions. They will fund mature projects that can be realised until 2023. She stated that clusters have not been included in drafting the national plan, but the clusters can help in the implementation phase and in smart specialisation projects to achieve the goals.
Josep Nadal, CIAC, presented automotive market trends and their related cluster’s activities: decarbonisation and electrification, autonomous vehicle, connected vehicle, and new business models. By the year 2030, the Catalan automotive sector must reinvent itself to prevent the disappearance of 75% of companies. To support the industry, clusters need to collaborate with authorities, intensify relations on a national and international level, and work on the implementation of the Green Deal.
Christian Zweiger, ACstyria Mobilitätscluster, explained the cluster’s initiatives to meet the challenges of the future: testing for autonomous vehicles and research projects on stationary hydrogen refueling systems. He considers the investment in research as crucial. New projects should be directed to digitisation, autonomous driving, MaaS, alternative fuels, and decarbonisation.
A recording of the session is available here.
These are the presentations shown during the meeting:
ECA - ACstyria (1).pdf Mobility-Railway Industrial ecosystem and Clusters_VEBOCCI_ (1).pdf EU Mobility Transport Automotive Ecosystem 29092020f (003).pdf The Role of Clusters in the Automotive Ecosystem_CIAC.pdfFind information and recordings of previous meetings on the Role of Clusters in Accelerating the European Recovery (since September 2020) here. For European Alliance Against Coronavirus webinar summaries of March - July 2020, please follow this link.
Finally, please find information on the upcoming agenda here.