The role of clusters in eHealth
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Webinar on 26 October 2020
eHealth holds many opportunities for innovation. Irina Kalderon from DG CNECT pointed out in her presentation that the transformation of health and care in the digital single market is important. For this, we need to a secure access and exchange of health data. Health data can be pooled for research and personalised medicine, and digital tools and data can empower citizens. There are already some H2020 project in these areas. She presented the AAL programme, a unique public-public partnership of 26 public funding agencies, to enhance older adults’ quality of life. For future innovations, there are various funding programmes and the deployment of Digital Health with EU structural funds.
Licínio Kustra from DG SANTE presented the current mission to create a European Health Data Space to promote health-data exchange, support research, and improve the secondary use of health data. These secondary usages can help to improve healthcare, policy making and regulations, and research and innovation. The European Health Data Space should work as a network of nodes, in which data holders make health data available for secondary use.
Jorge Gonzalez from Ticbiomed described clusters as the connection between healthcare and ICT, as promoters of initiatives and partners to deliver value. He said that the European Digital Health landscape is relatively new, with many small players, and difficult to fully grasp. Therefore, he presented the project “eHealth Hub Platform” to scan and navigate the ecosystem.
Anaïs Le Corvec from CEBR added her organisation created a special interest group on digitisation. For the adoption of new technologies, CEBR is working different projects and has gathered a lot of experience from clusters’ involvement.
The European Commission is looking for use cases of secondary use of health data and and/or aggregated data. If you have any cases, please get in contact with DG SANTE.
A recording of the session is available here.
Thes are the presentations shown during the meeting:
2020 Jorge Gonzalez eHealth Hub platform ECA.pdf Digital and Health_ECCP_2020.pdf eHealth- CEBR - Oct. 26th2020.pdf 2020-10-26 EHDS-eHEalthPolicies_SANTE-B3_v1_compressed (1).pdfFind information and recordings of previous meetings on the Role of Clusters in Accelerating the European Recovery (since September 2020) here. For European Alliance Against Coronavirus webinar summaries of March - July 2020, please follow this link.
Finally, please find information on the upcoming agenda here.