News on NextGenerationEU: Guidance for the Recovery Plans
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 21 September 2020
Ulla Engelmann from DG GROW presented to the European Alliance Against Coronavirus newly published information on the NextGenerationEU instruments. The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) will be the key tool to turn immediate challenges into long-term opportunities and will be the key instrument of NextGenerationEU. It provides guidance for the Member State to draft their recovery plans – which should be done in a dialogue with the industry and society – and places competitive sustainability based on environment, productivity, macro-economic stability, and fairness at its core.
The RRF defines 7 flagship areas to give ideas for concrete proposals in the recovery plans. These flagship areas are:
- Power up: clean technologies and renewables
- Renovate: energy efficiency of buildings
- Recharge and refuel: sustainable transport and charging stations
- Connect: roll-up of rapid broadband services
- Modernise: digitisation of public administration
- Scale-up: data cloud capacities and sustainable processors
- Reskill and upskill: education and training to support digital skills
Clusters should have an in-depth look into these flagship areas to enter the dialogue with their governments.
A recording of the session is available here.
These are the presentations shown during the meeting:
Guiding Principles RRF_Ulla Engelmann.pdfFurther links and information:
Country-specific recommendations
NextGenerationEU__Commission_presents_next_steps_for__672.5_billion_Recovery_and_Resilience_Facility_in_2021_Annual_Sustainable_Growth_Strategy_.pdf Questions_and_answers__Commission_presents_next_steps_for__672.5_billion_Recovery_and_Resilience_Facility_in_2021_Annual_Sustainable_Growth_Strategy.pdf annual_sustainable_growth_strategy_en_0.pdf 3_en_document_travail_service_part1_v3_en_0.pdf 3pillars_factsheet_0.pdfFind information and recordings of previous meetings on the Role of Clusters in Accelerating the European Recovery (since September 2020) here. For European Alliance Against Coronavirus webinar summaries of March - July 2020, please follow this link.
Finally, please find information on the upcoming agenda here.