Call for tender for experts in the domain of cluster management in the framework of the EU COSME Project CLUSGRID
Search keywords
- tender
- experts
- domain
- framework
- context
- consortium
- funded
- seek
- submissions
- suitably
- qualified
- providers
- provision
- classroom
- procedure
- regarding
- specific
- fields
- economy
- organization
- change
- value
- chain
- segmentation
- short
- description
- ambition
- strengthen
- ecei
- criteria
- leading
- sustainable
- long
- term
- border
- collaboration
- composed
- communication
- technology
- efficiency
- renewable
- microelectronics
- optics
- photonics
- countries
- level
- partners
- jointly
- undertake
- series
- activities
- mentoring
- sessions
- study
- visits
- identify
- best
- practices
- processes
- tools
- link
- http
- www
- clustercollaboration
- cosme
- member
- course
- based
- analysis
- industry
- initiative
- cross
- consortia
- information
- energy
- different
- european
- smart
- grid
- project
- clusgrid
- training
- excellence
- managers
- cluster
Suggested matches
No matches have been found.