CEAGA holds a co-design session to prepare its pilot

Submitted by Borja Dapena González on 15 January 2021

The Automotive Cluster of Galicia held last 15th December a meeting to co-design the educational pilot in automotive planned within the FIT4FoF project.

Six representatives from Galician automotive companies (MAIER Ferroplast, TI Automotive, COPO Ibérica, Adhex, PSA Groupe and Benteler) were invited to this meeting. The people who attended this meeting had very diverse profiles, covering everything from an operator to a Plant Manager, among other occupations.

The meeting started with the presentation of Carla Jiménez, member of CEAGA, putting into context the purpose of the meeting and introducing them to the FIT4FoF project, and making them aware of the importance they will have in the automotive pilot to be carried out in Spain.

This workshop was carried out with the collaboration of the partner UCN through Miro, a platform that offers a global board where several people can collaborate at the same time. In this way, the attendees were able to carry out the workshop in an interactive way, working on the board that UCN had prepared, debating on their choices and discussing the cards on the board.

The next step in this project is, with the data provided by the workshop participants, to plan the training that will be given during the pilot.

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