Submitted by ROTARU Flaviana on 27 January 2021

New European Electronics for Global Health and Wellbeing (NE4HEALTH) follows the approach of key regions selection, representing the embryo for developing a pan-European #electronics for #health cluster platform, with a full-fledged #internationalisation path. Improving cross-sectorial collaboration, as well as the #interregional dynamics, #NE4HEALTH is committed to the cohesion between #innovation and #marketability, ensuring that the innovative idea developed at the European level will gain the international coherence. Under the auspices of the #universality method, the deployment approach focuses on values chains development, in compliance with the Regional Smart Specialisation Strategies.

The projected interventions have also targeted the alignment to the global trends, reinforced by early market development, and augmented by a thorough understanding of the local #competitiveness environment. The joint programming efforts are adjusted to deal with criteria such as high cost of #energy, high #resources available, #market size, as well #support framework. The target group definition encompasses a quadruple-based helix, composed of clusters, SMEs, large companies, RTOs, and public authorities.

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