VIDA Awarded Project - ISV047 - Identification and use of specific plant-proteins to develop innovative and tasty convenience products
Innovative convenience products based on new sustainable proteins
May 2020 / August 2020
CheWOW is a food company that aims develop and market innovative convenience products based on new sustainable proteins. Even though animal proteins are commonly used in the food industry, the demand for new protein-based foods has been steadily increasing worldwide. The ecological footprint of plant-proteins for example is a ca. 5-10 times smaller in terms of energy- und water use and requires about 80% less agricultural land compared to animal proteins. The aim of this project is to identify and use specific plant-proteins to develop innovative and tasty convenience products.
Learn more: I info [at] ( info[at]vidaproject[dot]eu ) I Follow us: @h2020vida
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 777795.
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