Business services

Policy toolkit item

Smart specialisation in the Bogotá Region

This strategy consists of an integrated agenda of productive development and innovation built collectively (government, clusters, other actors) for the transformation of the city-region, based on knowledge and innovation. Citizens, entrepreneurs, researchers, academics, the public and private...

Policy toolkit item

Red Cluster Colombia

The Private Competitiveness Council (CPC) and the Foreign Trade Bank (BANCOLDEX) through its Development and Innovation unit (INNpulsa), launched Red Cluster Colombia. The Red Cluster Colombia, based on the web platform, is a space to articulate the actors who have been...

Policy toolkit item

MiLAB - Laboratorio govtech de Colombia

MiLAB, the national government’s public innovation laboratory works to generate timely responses to an array of public administration challenges, as well as raise awareness about open change and innovation. ​The lab designs its methodological and operational model, advises the first batch of public...

Policy toolkit item

Medellín Cluster City

The 'Medellín Ciudad Clúster' project is a public-private strategy that seeks to face the challenges imposed by the context of growing globalisation from the business fabric of the local economy. The Project is led by the Medellín Mayor's Office in a strategic alliance with the Medellín Chamber of...

Policy toolkit item


The iNNovaclúster programme is an alliance between the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, the Ministry of Housing, City and Territory and iNNpulsa Colombia. They established an alliance seeking to co-finance innovation projects that contribute to the economic reactivation of the regions...

Policy toolkit item


The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation leads the Colinnova initiative, which aims to develop collaborative innovation capacities in companies across 15 regions with medium to low innovation rates. The beneficiary will have the opportunity to acquire capacities to innovate, which will...

Policy toolkit item

Policy for Pre-Tax Additional Deductions for R&D Expenses

China's Ministry of Finance (MOF) and State Taxation Administration (STA) jointly announced in April 2021 that the ratio of pre-tax dedictions on manufacturing firms' expenses on R&D will be raised from 75% to 100%, starting retrospectively on January 1, 2021. Higher pre-tax deductions result in...

Policy toolkit item

Circular Economy Pilot Cities/Eco-cities

Under the Circular Economy Pilot Cities projects, the Chinese government aims to build 'Eco-cities' that benefit from combining the cluster approach, green transformation, and socioeconomic development. For instance, one of the pilot cities in China, Tianjin is a collaboration effort between China...

Policy toolkit item


ZEBx was founded by the City of Vancouver. It is a platform that strengthens the public and private capacities for zero emission buildings in Vancouver and British Columbia and uses a collaborative model unique to the building industry. The main beneficiaries are developers, industry associations...

Policy toolkit item

Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC)

Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) helps Canadian companies develop and deploy competitive, clean technology solutions, to solve some of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges: climate change, clean air, clean water and clean soil. SDTC does this through funding, knowledge...

Policy toolkit item

Bioindustrial Innovation Canada (BIC)

Bioindustrial Innovation Canada (BIC) is a not-for-profit business accelerator based in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. Established in 2008 with a CAD 30 millions (EUR 20 millions) in total funding. BIC established a premier accelerator facility at the Sarnia-Lambton Campus of the Western University...

Policy toolkit item

Sofia Tech Park - science and technology park

The Sofia Tech Park is a state-owned company aimed to boost innovation, research and technological development. It is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The main focus areas are ICT, life sciences and green energy. The objective is to foster knowledge exchange between academia and...