Flanders Industry Innovation Moonshot
Flanders Industry Innovation Moonshot is an industrial innovation programme targeted at Flemish universities, research institutes and industries to develop breakthrough technologies for new climate-friendly processes and products. The Flemish government identified its cluster policy as a potential...
Digital Wallonia
The Digital Wallonia platform is a regional forum that aims to share the latest digital news and feature digital-related projects. It offers a wide range of services: sector-specific networks, ecosystems, international mission catalogue, open data, API, calendar, press review. It is the central...
Circular Wallonia
The Belgium region of Wallonia has adopted the Walloon Strategy for the deployment of the circular economy “Circular Wallonia”. The strategy enables Wallonia to respond to several challenges: promoting a sustainable recovery of the economy, reducing the impact of economic activities on the...
Circular Flanders
Circular Flanders is the hub for the Flemish circular economy, launched in 2017 by the Regional Government of Flanders, Belgium, to ensure transition to the circular economy by 2050. It is a partnership of regional and local governments, companies, civil society, and other organisations (including...
Brussels Regional Programme for Circular Economy
The Government of the Brussels-Capital Region adopted the Brussels Regional programme for a Circular Economy 2016 – 2020 (BRPCE), with a budget of EUR 12.8 million for the year 2016. The BRPCE is an integrated strategy involving 111 measures aimed at fostering circular patterns at regional level...
Bedigital is the reference portal for all digital initiatives in Brussels. The objective is to facilitate and reinforce drastically the economic development and the competitiveness of the Brussels-Capital Region. It is a business-oriented platform where members can share knowledge and best practices...
Technopole Programme
Technopoles are platforms for know-how transfer, knowledge dissemination and promotion of regional and international cooperation. Their objective is to create technology-oriented economic areas to strengthen the economics of special regions. The Technopole Programme of Lower Austria started in 2004...
Cluster Platform Austria
The National Cluster Platform (NCP) Austria is a cooperation platform for cluster institutions, cluster members and cluster experts, established at the initiative of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs. Currently, 71 clusters and networks are members of the National Cluster...
House of digitalisation
The 'House of Digitalisation' is part of the Lower Austrian digitalisation strategy. It is an interface for digital transformation and is currently used as an interactive platform with personalised services and an automatic proposal system to network Lower Austrian companies with research and...