
Policy toolkit item

The Kosovo Association of Information and Communication Technology (STIKK) 

STIKK currently accounts for 200+ members, which represents 90% of the whole ICT market of Kosovo. STIKK is dedicated to help out the long-term-growth of the Information and Communications Technology industry in Kosovo; is committed to improving the business environment for the ICT, as well as...

Policy toolkit item

MIRECK – Metal Industry and Renewable Energy Cluster of Kosovo

MIRECK – Metal Industry and Renewable Energy Cluster of Kosovo is a non-governmental organisation that aims to empower the business community in developing and advancing products and services in the Metals and Renewable Energy sector through academic cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical...

Policy toolkit item

Tokyo Zero-emission Innovation Bay

The Tokyo Zero-emission Innovation Bay was established, based on the proposal of the “Environment Innovation Strategy” of the Japanese Government (Decision of the Integrated Innovation Strategy Promotion Council, January 21, 2020), to initiate an Innovation Area that pioneers zero-emission related...

Policy toolkit item

Tokyo 'Beyond-Zero' Week

Tokyo “Beyond-Zero” Week features six leading international conferences organised and hosted by Japan (ICEF2020, RD20, TCFD summit 2020, LNG Producer-Consumer Conference 2020, International Conference on Carbon Recycling 2020, Hydrogen Energy Ministerial Meeting 2020). Each conference offers a forum...

Policy toolkit item

Global Zero Emission Research Center

The Global Zero Emission Research Center was established by the National Instititue of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), an independent government agency under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, in 2020. The research center conducts joint studies with research institutes...

Policy toolkit item

GATE 4.0

The Technological District GATE 4.0 was developed along the regional Smart Specialisation Strategy 2014-2020 in Tuscany to support matchmaking initiatives between enterprises, research centers and financial service providers and to support the joint development of new technologies, products and...

Policy toolkit item

the Environmental Sustainability Innovation Lab (ESIL)

The Environmental Sustainability Innovation Lab (ESIL) is a partnership of EDF Renewables, Bazan Group and Johnson Matthey. ESIL is a platform dedicated to establishing breakthrough sustainable innovation solutions. The main objective of ESIL is to deliver economically viable technology solutions...

Policy toolkit item


MAGNETON is programme under the technological infrastructure division of Israel Innovation Authority, an independent publicly funded agency. The main objective of this programme is the validation of laboratory results and transfer of the technology from research institutions to industrial...

Policy toolkit item

Technology Centre Programme

The Technology Centre programme is a joint initiative between Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland. It allows Irish companies and multinationals to work together on market focused strategic R&D projects in collaboration with research institutions. Its aim is to provide companies with the research...

Policy toolkit item

Micro and Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP)

The MSE-CDP aims to support the development of clusters of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The programme develops measures for capacity building, skill development, technology upgradation of enterprises, improved credit delivery, marketing support, setting up of common facility centres...

Policy toolkit item

Karnataka State Cluster Development Scheme (KCDS)

KCDP scheme aim to bring an improvement in the existing style of working of the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the quality and competitiveness adopting modern manufacturing/ processing technology. The objectives of the scheme are to support the sustainability and growth of MSMEs by...

Policy toolkit item


The overall purpose of EU – India Cooperation Platform in Future Internet and Electronic Media project (project in Europe Aid/135-474/DD/ACT/IN) is to provide a mobility framework that will enable EU research and innovators in creating cluster to cluster partnerships within India. The objectives of...