LEAD GREEN TRANSITION: Use clusters as drivers of change for the green transition
the Environmental Sustainability Innovation Lab (ESIL)
The Environmental Sustainability Innovation Lab (ESIL) is a partnership of EDF Renewables, Bazan Group and Johnson Matthey. ESIL is a platform dedicated to establishing breakthrough sustainable innovation solutions. The main objective of ESIL is to deliver economically viable technology solutions...
Cluster Observatory
The Cluster Observatory is a NGO run by the Foundation for Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Entreprises Clusters (FMC), established in 2005. The objective of the Cluster Observatory is to: provide comprehensive online database about clusters in India; bridge the information gap ad cater to the needs of...
Green National Champions Programme
The government initiated the Green National Champions qualification programme to improve Hungary’s results in the field of environmental performance and sustainability. The aim of the programme is to support the development of micro, small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises with high growth...
Innovation Clusters
An example of cluster policy measures focusing on value chain development to foster green transition processes can be found in Saxony, Germany. In 2017 the regional government of Saxony launched a competition for the forming of Innovation Clusters with the aim of developing and implementing new...
Circular Economy Pilot Cities/Eco-cities
Under the Circular Economy Pilot Cities projects, the Chinese government aims to build 'Eco-cities' that benefit from combining the cluster approach, green transformation, and socioeconomic development. For instance, one of the pilot cities in China, Tianjin is a collaboration effort between China...
Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC)
Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) helps Canadian companies develop and deploy competitive, clean technology solutions, to solve some of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges: climate change, clean air, clean water and clean soil. SDTC does this through funding, knowledge...
Flanders Industry Innovation Moonshot
Flanders Industry Innovation Moonshot is an industrial innovation programme targeted at Flemish universities, research institutes and industries to develop breakthrough technologies for new climate-friendly processes and products. The Flemish government identified its cluster policy as a potential...
Circular Wallonia
The Belgium region of Wallonia has adopted the Walloon Strategy for the deployment of the circular economy “Circular Wallonia”. The strategy enables Wallonia to respond to several challenges: promoting a sustainable recovery of the economy, reducing the impact of economic activities on the...
Brussels Regional Programme for Circular Economy
The Government of the Brussels-Capital Region adopted the Brussels Regional programme for a Circular Economy 2016 – 2020 (BRPCE), with a budget of EUR 12.8 million for the year 2016. The BRPCE is an integrated strategy involving 111 measures aimed at fostering circular patterns at regional level...