IVth National Research and Development Plan, 2022-2027
PNCDI IV is the main implementation tool of the National Research, Innovation and Smart Specialization Strategy (SNCISI) 2022-2027, which transparently and predictably ensures the financing of the national CDI system for modernization, consolidation of excellence and increasing relevance for the...
Romanian National Strategy for Research, Innovation and Intelligent Specialization 2022-2027
The National Strategy for Research, Innovation and Intelligent Specialization 2022-2027, developed by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, sets the vision for the Romanian research-innovation system in the 2030 horizon and expresses the firm option to recognize and support...
Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs)
The Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) are collaborative networks that include specific digital competence centres, with the aim of disseminating and adopting advanced digital technologies by companies, especially SMEs, through the development, testing and experimentation of these same technologies...
EU4Moldova: Focal Regions Programme (Nov.2019-Nov.2024)
The Program is financed by the EU and implemented by UNDP Moldova and it is focused on strengthening the economic, territorial and social cohesion in the Republic of Moldova through facilitating inclusive, sustainable and integrated local socio-economic growth and improving the standards of living...
Cross regional Bio Innovation Growth mega Cluster (BIG-Cluster)
Being established by three cluster organisations BE-Basic (the Netherlands), Catalisti (Belgium) and CLIB (Germany), the Bio Innovation Growth mega Cluster is a cross-border initiative of the "Smart Specialisation Initiative", aiming at the transformation of an industrial mega cluster of biobased...
Be Circular Be Brussels
The project "Be Circular Be Brussels" ensures environmental protection as a source of economic opportunities and job creation for all the people living in Brussels. The Interreg-supported project aims at stimulating an economy that is low in carbon, prioritises repair, re-use and recycling and meets...
Hydrogen Austria
On the joint initiative of the Federal Ministry for Digitalization and Business Location and the Province of Tyrol, Hydrogen Austria - the Austrian hydrogen cluster - bundles the forces in the fields of research, development, production and application. Under the leadership of the Standortagentur...
Artificial Intelligence 4.0 Strategic Programme (Finland)
The Programme aims to address the “behind the first row” manufacturing companies and challenge them to make the leap to digitalisation. The program integrates regional and national ecosystems, including clusters, and also European Digital Innovation Hubs.
industrie4.0 Flanders
In order to retain and strengthen the manufacturing industry, the Government of Flanders is investing heavily in the transition to industry 4.0. This integrated approach is developing along five lines of action. 1) The creation of a central platform enables better consultation between the government...
Innovation clusters in Saxony
Innovation clusters in Saxony: In 2017 the regional government of Saxony launched a competition for the forming of Innovation Clusters with the aim of developing and implementing new value chains in Saxony. The competing consortia of existing clusters, companies or research organisations had to set...
This is a programme Spanish Government to support innovation among clusters. The the main targets are to: • Encourage the constitutions of Innovation Clusters (AEI), mainly by SMES; • Promote advantages and/or benefits derived from the implementation of innovative joint projects; • Improve the...
Clusters, Collective Research
Collective research projects are R&D activities based on the mapping of the innovation needs of the cluster members, especially SMEs in the given sector or technology segment. The results of the joint cluster projects have to be pre-competitive, so that they can be exploited by a larger group of...