Polish Register of Cleaner Production and Responsible Entrepreneurship
Polish Register of Cleaner Production and Responsible Entrepreneurship was established in 2002 and operates under the leadership of the Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment. The initiative is permanent, with no time limit. The register is a nationwide, publicly available list of firms and...
AI for the Netherlands
This Action is part of the national growth fund. It concerns an integral, multi-year public-private investment programme for research and innovation. On April 9, the assessment advisory committee of the National Growth Fund a maximum of EUR 276 million allocated for the AiNed investment program...
Smart specialisation Strategy Montenegro
According to the Smart Specialisation Strategy, the priority areas for innovation are health, sustainability and digitalisation. The role of clusters is mentioned in the context of the development of high-tech clusters based on competitive SMEs. Research and academia should also be involved in the...
Developing capacities for climate policy in Southeast and Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia
Advice and support for drafting of National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP) under the Energy Community; regular exchange of experts on the topic of modelling and analytical work in the context of the NECP development in the countries of the Western Balkans.
Business Incubator Network of Moldova
The Business Incubators support the start ups in terms of logistics and consultancy support. Meanwhile, they represent the nucleus of cluster development in the R of Moldova (e.g. Sorintex, in the field of textiles, which management is located in the Business Incubator of Soroca and Cahul Creative...
The Malta Life Sciences Park (MLSP)
The Malta Life Sciences Park (MLSP) provides a facility of international class for life sciences and information technology development. There are laboratories, offices, seminar room, meeting rooms and a number of shared facilities. Co-financed through the European Regional Development Funds, the...
JomKerja@NCER and JomNiaga@NCER
JomKerja@NCER and JomNiaga@NCER are two programmes established by the Northern Corridor Economic Region's Implementation Autority (NCIA) to provide incentives to companies to create jobs and to re- and upskill workers resepectively. NCIA is committed to ensure resilience of businesses in the...
The Council for the Economic Development of Constuction (CDEC) launched Neobuild in 2011, the first and unique cluster for sustainable construction in Luxembourg. Neobuild focuses specifically on high environmental and energy performance of buildings. To this regard, it helps its members develop...
The Kosovo Association of Information and Communication Technology (STIKK)
STIKK currently accounts for 200+ members, which represents 90% of the whole ICT market of Kosovo. STIKK is dedicated to help out the long-term-growth of the Information and Communications Technology industry in Kosovo; is committed to improving the business environment for the ICT, as well as...
MIRECK – Metal Industry and Renewable Energy Cluster of Kosovo
MIRECK – Metal Industry and Renewable Energy Cluster of Kosovo is a non-governmental organisation that aims to empower the business community in developing and advancing products and services in the Metals and Renewable Energy sector through academic cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical...
Promotion of university efforts towards 2050
Under the Japanese government's 'Green Growth Strategy Through Achieving Carbon Neutrality in 2050', a series of measures is underway to support the development of university collaborations and development at the local and regional level. The objective of one of these measures is to facilitate...
GATE 4.0
The Technological District GATE 4.0 was developed along the regional Smart Specialisation Strategy 2014-2020 in Tuscany to support matchmaking initiatives between enterprises, research centers and financial service providers and to support the joint development of new technologies, products and...