Eureka clusters fund international industrial cooperation
The main objective of Vinnova, Swedish innovation agency, is to help building Sweden’s innovation capacity, contributing to sustainable growth. The organisation works together with a number of actors, including cluster organisations, to create opportunities and incentives to work together and to...
The Swelife project is funded by the Swedish Government. Swelife acts as a facilitator and supports collaboration within academia, industry and healthcare, with the goal to strengthen Life Science in Sweden and to improve public health. Swelife aims to utilise the knowledge and resources available...
Swedish Mining Innovation
The Swedish Mining innovation (SMI) is part of a joint investment in strategic innovation areas by Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency. The main objective of SMI is to strengthen the competitiveness of the Swedish mining and metal extraction industry. SMI promotes and supports leading...
Section 2 on Designation, Creation and Operation of Green Convergence Cluster - Green Convergence Cluster Act (Act on the creation and fostering of green convergence clusters)
The 2021 Green Convergence Cluster Act provides a legal foundation for a series of cluster-related activities under the measure 'Designation, creation and operation of green convergence clusters' (Section 2 of the Act). The supported activities under the measure include the establishment and...
Project Implementer, Articles 4 & 5 - Act on Special Cases concerning Industrial Technology Complex Support (abbreviation: Industrial Technology Complex Act)
Articles 4 & 5 of the 2020 Industrial Technology Complex Act provide for measures to designate a so-called 'project implementer' who creates and operates an industrial technology complex under the auspices of the Ministry of SMEs and Startups. The measure clarifies that corporations can apply to...
Korean New Deal Fund
The Korean government established 3 funds to achieve the Korean New Deal objectives of 1) creating jobs in traditional and newly emergying digital /green sectors, 2) build infrastrucutres for a digital/green transition, 3) transform South Korea into a leader economically post-COVID-19. It is...
Korea Green Innovation Days (KGID)
Hosted by Korea's Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Korea Green Growth Trust Fund, and the World Bank Group, the 2-day annual event brings together leading public authorities, academics, and industry representatives to build and share knowlegde and promote domestic and international networking...
Innovation in the Green Industry under 'Green New Deal'
The Korean New Deal comprises three key strategies - the Green New Deal, Digital New Deal, and Stronger Safety Net. The Korean government implements various projects/measures under the Green New Deal, one of which is 'Innovation in the Green Industry' which aims to 1) promote prospective businesses...
GOSTOP - Building Blocks, Tools and Systems for the Factories of the Future
In GOSTOP, a total of 13 companies and 6 research organisations which had compatible research and development programmes in the Factories of the Future concept joined forces to push forward its development. Taking into account the Smart Specialisation Strategy of Slovenia prepared by SVRK and the...
Go International Slovenia
The activities of the Go International Slovenia programme for strengthening the internationalisation of the Slovenian economy are divided into four groups of measures: - preparation of companies for entering foreign markets, - helping companies enter new markets, - strengthening its presence in...
Support for measures to expand research and innovation capacities and the use of advanced technologies
The measure is aimed at stimulating innovation potential and cooperation between academia and enterprises to ensure the transfer of acquired information into practice and as a tool to support R&D aimed at practice. The ambition is a gradual increase in corporate R&D expenditures. At the same time...
A*STAR Partners' Centre (A*PC)
The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) established its Partners' Centre (A*PC) in 2020 in the China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park. The Centre provides funding and co-sharing facilities to drive innovation for companies in the area of biomedical science, nanotechnology and...