Resilience, Green and Digital Transition in Flanders
Cross regional Bio Innovation Growth mega Cluster (BIG-Cluster)
Being established by three cluster organisations BE-Basic (the Netherlands), Catalisti (Belgium) and CLIB (Germany), the Bio Innovation Growth mega Cluster is a cross-border initiative of the "Smart Specialisation Initiative", aiming at the transformation of an industrial mega cluster of biobased...
Made Different
The Made Different initiative started in Flanders and was then implemented in Wallonia, with the aim to increase the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry by supporting the digital transformation of production processes. The overall goal of this initiative is to transform manufacturing...
Logistics Resilience Task Force
The Flemish government, with the support of VIL, the Flanders Innovation Cluster on Logistics, established the Logistics Resilience Task Force. The objective of the task force was to support companies to adapt to the Covid-19 pandemic and to optimise their activities, possibly through digital...
Flanders Industry Innovation Moonshot
Flanders Industry Innovation Moonshot is an industrial innovation programme targeted at Flemish universities, research institutes and industries to develop breakthrough technologies for new climate-friendly processes and products. The Flemish government identified its cluster policy as a potential...
Circular Flanders
Circular Flanders is the hub for the Flemish circular economy, launched in 2017 by the Regional Government of Flanders, Belgium, to ensure transition to the circular economy by 2050. It is a partnership of regional and local governments, companies, civil society, and other organisations (including...