Third Benchmarking Visits & Training tour in Wallonia for the South-Med Clusters of THE NEXT SOCIETY Cluster Booster Track
The third Benchmarking Visits & Training of THE NEXT SOCIETY is about to start. After Catalonia, in Spain and Piedmont, in Italy, this time benchmarking visits and training activities will take place in the Walloon region, Belgium. As of next Monday, 28 October, about 12 cluster managers, cluster...
8 Mediterranean clusters attended a successful and inspiring Benchmarking Visits & Training tour by THE NEXT SOCIETY last week in Piedmont (Italy)
Ceipiemonte, with the support of France Clusters organized the second Benchmarking Visits & Training last week in Piedmont (Italy). 8 cluster managers and cluster representatives from Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon and Egypt took part to this second inspiration and learning week and had the opportunity...
Second Benchmarking Visits &Training tour in Piedmont for 8 South-Med Clusters in the framework of THE NEXT SOCIETY Cluster Booster Track
The second Benchmarking Visits & Training of THE NEXT SOCIETY is about to start in Piedmont, Italy. As of next Monday, 10 June, 8 cluster managers and cluster representatives from Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia, will take part to this second exciting inspiration and learning 5 day-tour and will...
First benchmarking visits & training week in Catalonia for 12 South-Med Clusters in the framework of THE NEXT SOCIETY Cluster Booster Track
ACCIÓ (Agència per la Competitivitat de l’Empresa) and France Clusters are organizing the first Benchmarking Visits & Training this week in Catalonia (Spain). 12 cluster managers from Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan and Palestine take part in this first exciting inspiration and learning week and have the...
How to become an ESCA expert for the benchmarking of cluster organisations
ESCA - The European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis promotes cluster management excellence through benchmarking and labelling of cluster management organisations. The cluster benchmarking interviews are conducted by specifically trained ESCA benchmarking experts. On March 2-3, 2017 ESCA will...