Industrial Technologies Conference 2016 - Creating a Smart Europe
Organized by the Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union Amsterdam, The Netherlands From the 22 nd to the 24 th of June 2016 The largest networking conference in the field of new production technologies, materials, nanotechnology, biotechnology and digitalisation in Europe, with high...
Nano4Health Project - Invitation Final Conference - June 17th 2016
On June 17th 2016, the final conference of the Nano4Health project will be held in Brussels. In this Emerging Industries EU Project, a blue print for cross-sectoral cooperation was designed from the bottom-up. We fostered innovation projects in personalised healthcare at the crossroad of nano- and...
Save the date - 5-7 October, Bogota, Colombia ELAN Network - Biotechnology, a space for articulation of challenges, skills and ICT
Biotechnology, a space for articulation of challenges, skills and ICT Space dedicated to the articulation of challenges and capabilities for the generation of technology based business opportunities among different actors dedicated to the development of applied biotechnology solutions that integrate...
Global Cluster Hub - BIO 2016
BIO Convention Global Cluster Hub 2016: Digital Health – Transforming life science clusters and their management Tuesday June 7, 1530-1700: European Commission booth, Exhibition Hall The BIO 2016 Global Cluster Hub brings together cluster managers and key players from across the globe, with unique...