call for proposal


Over €100 million available for advancing European bio-based sector

The seventh Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) Call for proposals is open across 16 different topics until 3 September 2020, 17:00 CET. It makes €102 million available for projects working on faster development of new sustainable value chains, ranging from efficient processing of...

H2020 Call for Proposals: European City Facility - European cities as key innovation hubs to unlock finance for energy efficiency

Deadline: Tuesday, 5 February, 2019 Topic Identifier: LC-SC3-EE-17-2019 Focus area: Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future (LC) With a budget of EUR 16,000,000, this topic aims to set up an 'intermediary', which will establish and run a 'European City Facility' to support cities and...

TETRAMAX opened the first call ​for Entrepreneurial Technology Transfer Experiments!

Open: 31 August 2018 Deadline 30 November 2018 The overall goal of an Entrepreneurial Technology Transfer Experiment (TTX) is to mobilize, challenge and train small teams of potential entrepreneurs in the Customized Low-Energy Computing (CLEC) space from a long-term perspective. ·The focus is on a...

H2020 Call for Proposals: SME instrument

Deadline model: multiple cut-off Topic identifier: EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020 The SME Instrument supports high-risk, high-potential small and medium-sized enterprises to develop and bring to market new products, services and business models that could drive economic growth. The SME Instrument is for...

ESMERA: First call for experiment proposals now open!

SMEs developing robotic technologies may now apply for providing solutions to predefined real-life challenges. The respective challenge winners will receive direct financial support through a cascade funding mechanism of up to 200.000 EUR each. The ESMERA Project (European SMEs for Robotic...

Horizon 2020 Energy - Brokerage Event on Energy Systems and SCC

Are you interested in submitting a proposal for "Energy" in Horizon 2020? GET INVOLVED in the next H2020 Energy Proposals! A Brokerage Event in the field of Energy Systems and Smart Cities & Communities 5 October, 2018, Brussels The event will target a wide spectrum of companies, universities and...

The Erasmus+ programme Call for Proposal EACEA/10/2018

Key action 3: Support for policy reform Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education, training and youth (2018/C 106/08) The submission deadline is: 22 May 2018 — 13.00 (Brussels time). This call for proposals will support transnational cooperation projects in the...