CEBR COVID crisis webinar

Thursday March 26th 2020 12:00 - 13:00 (CET) The Council of European BioRegions will hold an "Open Mic" webinar tomorrow, open for members and non-members, to discuss and share on how lifesciences clusters and ecosystems are supporting with concrete measures the current COVID situation. Concrete...

CEBR Position Paper

The Council of European BioRegions (CEBR) was initiated in 2002, and consolidated through the Europe Innova ABCEurope (Advanced Biotech Cluster platforms for Europe) project, where 13 leading European bio-regions formed a partnership to raise both the quality and quantity of support services for...

Job vacancy: CEBR Network Manager

CEBR has grown from a long ago idea between a handful of clusters, through to a financially sustainable and active community and it is extremely well positioned to grow membership, revenues and activities. We now have the job to find a new Network Manager and of course our members and friends are...