Clean Energy

Community News

"Partnerships for Horizon Europe: mobility, climate and energy projects" event: 21-22 July 2021

The SmartCommunitiesTech cluster, Basque Mobility and Logistics Cluster, MLC ITS Euskadi, Romanian Cluster Association - CLUSTERO, and NEXTMOVE are organising together the Partnerships for Horizon Europe: mobility, climate and energy projects event, which will be held 20, 21 and 22 of July. The...
Community News

CTA presents advances in the European Project HP4ALL at an EU Green Week partner event webinar

The CTA consultant Rocío de la Rosa participated in an international webinar called “Deep Retrofit Community of Practice: Highly ambitious regions and projects across Europe”, organised by the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA). This event was followed by 60 participants, interested in knowing...
Community News

EERES4WATER, a European project led by CTA, participates in the EU Green Week with a webinar on open innovation

The registration for this free webinar is avaliable on the website of the project. The European project EERES4WATER, funded by the INTERREG Atlantic Area Programme, participates in the celebration of the EU Green Week 2021, promoted by European Commission. On Wednesday, 2nd June at 11:00 AM (CET)...
Community News

Did you just miss the SMARTENERGY 6-pack series?

Three 6-pack series of SMARTENERGY have come to an end. The Italian, Belgian and French partners of SMARTENGERY organised 3 online advanced trainings on hydrogen, energy communities and smart grids. Outstanding players of the regional and national ecosystem at the crossroads of energy &...
Community News

Energy transition will be key in the post-COVID19 recovery, says the Andalusian Commissioner for Climate Change

In a CTA conference, the General Manager of Energy of the Andalusian Government assured that the region is positioned to lead projects in the sector at a European and global level. The Andalusian Commissioner for Climate Change and Energy Model, Juan Manuel Muñoz, said in a conference organized by...
Community News

Project: DIGIBIO - Digitalisation of biomass energy recovery processes with high added value

The DIGIBIO project, "Digitalisation of biomass energy revalorisation processes with high added value", aims to develop a digital system capable of capturing information and analysing the efficiency of biomass revalorisation processes aimed at sustainable obtaining bioproducts and/or bioenergy. This...


Green Deal: Sustainable batteries for a circular and climate neutral economy

The European Commission has revealed proposals to modernise European Union (EU) legislation on batteries, delivering its first initiative among the actions announced in the new Circular Economy Action Plan. Batteries that are more sustainable throughout their life cycle are key for the goals of the...

More than 300 applications for share of €1 billion clean tech funding

More than 300 applications have been received in response to the €1 billion first call for large-scale projects of the Innovation Fund, the European Commission's funding programme to support the development of low-carbon technologies and innovative clean technology. A total of 311 submissions have...

Consultation launched on EU energy efficiency directives

One of the aims of the European Green Deal is to increase the European Union's (EU) climate ambition so that greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by at least 50% and towards 55% in a responsible way by 2030. As the first steps in this process a series of climate, energy and environmental...

Turbulent start to 2020 for European energy sector, reports reveal

The combination of Covid-19 confinement measures and unusually good weather triggered a highly volatile first quarter of 2020 for Europe’s energy sector, according to the European Commission’s quarterly reports on gas and electricity markets. It was a particularly turbulent three months for both...

The Energy Efficiency Work Programme for 2020. Calls for proposals

Almost €120m are made available for energy efficiency projects in the new Work Programme 2020, under the areas of ‘ Buildings in Energy Transition’ and ‘ Smart and Clean Energy for Consumers’. With a total of 18 topics in these priority areas, the work programme features a new focus on "Buildings in...

Call for Applications: €187 million available now in Horizon 2020 energy funding

Building a Low-Carbon, Climate Resilient Future: Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy Deadline for application: 29 January 2020 Starting 3 September, 2019, nine energy topics under the 2018-2020 Horizon 2020 Work Programme are open for application, making available €187 million funding for projects in...