Community News
F2F Health Matters: internationalisation accelerator for innovative and sustainable SMEs
The European project F2F (Farm to Fork) Health Matters is an internationalisation accelerator for innovative agri-food SMEs. It is driven by an alliance of five European clusters: Wagralim (Belgium), Clusaga (Spain), Bioeconomy Cluster (Slovakia), InovCluster (Portugal) and Valorial (France). F2F...
Community News
Call for Pitches: SMEs participation to the international activities of REC-N-COMP
The call for pitches has been extendend to April 21st! Call for pitches: Ready, steady… explore! Are you a SMEs from Italy, Belgium, France or Poland, interested in expanding its export business to the USA, Japan on Singapore in relation with composite and recycled materials? If yes, this call is...
European Union and France unlock €715 million for small businesses
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in France can now access loans with more flexible terms after the European Investment Fund (EIF) and Bpifrance, the French Public Investment Bank, struck a new deal. The loan guarantees are provided by the digitalisation initiative under the European...
€5m call aims to help SMEs adopt new technologies
The European Commission has launched a €5 million call for strategic alliances to help the European Union’s small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) maximise their use of new technologies. Two pilot projects will be supported focused on creating collaboration among SMEs, through industrial cluster...
EIF and Raiffeisen Bank sign €12m guarantee agreement to support SMEs in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The European Investment Fund (EIF) and Raiffeisen Bank have signed a guarantee agreement allowing the bank to increase its lending capacity to offer €12 million of new financing with better terms and conditions to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The EIF guarantee...
Up to €400,000 available for projects supporting SMEs in public procurement outside the EU
Cluster organisations are among those eligible to apply for a grant of up to €400,000 to help European SMEs participate in public procurement outside the European Union (EU). Public procurement, both inside and outside the EU, can generate considerable business opportunities for European SMEs, but...
ECCP webinar: Learn how to effectively communicate about your cluster
Effective communication is an important activity for any cluster organisation, keeping members informed and involved in cluster activities and highlighting the impact of clusters to key stakeholders and the public. Clusters need to communicate with multiple target groups, including companies...
EU funding for social economy missions
Under the programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Mediumsized Enterprises (COSME), the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) has launched a new call for "Social economy missions" to extend the exististing inter-regional collaboration in the field of...
Commission and European Investment Fund unlock €8 billion in finance for 100,000 SMEs
The European Commission has unlocked €1 billion from the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) that will serve as a guarantee to the European Investment Fund (EIF), part of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group. This will allow the EIF to issue special guarantees to incentivise banks and...
COSME programme supporting SMEs in Creativity and Innovation in the light industry sectors: textile/footwear/leather - The initiative European Light Industries Innovation and Technology project (ELIIT)
Deadline of the call - 17 March 2020 17:00 CET Are you an SME working in the textile, clothing, leather or footwear (TCLF) sectors? Do you aim to integrate new and disruptive technologies to your business and need support throughout the process? The ‘ELIIT Project’, co-funded by COSME, supports TCLF...
Call for proposals: Accelerate and scale up innovation applications for a sustainable and circular fashion industry
The call for proposals COS-CIRCFASH-2019-3-02 "Accelerate and scale up innovation applications for a sustainable and circular fashion industry" COSME Work Programme 2019 GRO/SME/19/C/08 is online with a deadline for submission on 17/12/2019. The call budget is 3.5 M€ to support 4 transnational...
Call for Proposals: Support for the Implementation of the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework
COS-ENTRECOMP-2018-3-01: Support for the Implementation of the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework. The deadline for electronic submission is 22 August 2019, 17:00 Brussels time. The overall goal of this call for proposal is to turn EntreComp (Entrepreneurship Competence Framework) as an idea into...